As Co-Founder and Director of Mission for Lily of the Valley Catholic Ministry (LOTV), I want to share how your kindness and mercy has helped us grow from a small parish ministry into a nationwide source of prayer and comfort for families facing difficult early life circumstances. Read more to learn about our upcoming yearly retreat and how donor support has made an impact on changing the social script for families walking through infertility, prenatal diagnosis, postnatal medical challenges, and pregnancy or infant loss.
Hi! I’m Katie. My journey with Lily of the Valley Ministry began through a special statue of the pregnant Virgin Mary. This statue had been a source of comfort during my own pregnancies. When I heard of Whitney walking with her son who had a difficult prenatal diagnosis, I felt called to pass the statue on to her. Several years later we reconnected and I learned the statue has been with LOTV since its inception and continues to be a symbol of hope and grace watching over this ministry, which now touches hundreds of families, all under Mary’s mantle. I gradually became more involved as a prayer ambassador and now as Content Designer.
Hi, I’m Jamie-Lee Lavelle, a Catholic wife and mother. I have the incredible privilege of serving in my role as Prayer Care Package Support for Lily of the Valley, a ministry close to my heart that is dedicated to bringing God’s peace and healing to families experiencing profound grief and difficult early family life challenges.
In this role, I oversee the assembly and shipment of care packages that reach families across the United States who have been touched by infertility, prenatal diagnosis, pregnancy or infant loss, and postnatal medical challenges. Each package is thoughtfully curated and includes hand-crafted bracelets, handwritten letters, and a variety of prayer aids—all designed to provide comfort, hope, and a reminder of God’s enduring love during times of sorrow.
Hi! I’m Catherine. I am the Family Bereavement Support here at Lily of the Valley. I have the profound honor of walking with families who are currently journeying through grief after the loss of their child. For an entire year after their loss, Lily of the Valley sends families quarterly bereavement support through a series of books on grief, encouraging Scripture passages, and a personal letter all assuring families that their walk through the valley of grief need not be alone.
As we journey through the Advent and Christmas season, we are invited to reflect on the wondrous mystery of Christ’s birth. The star that guided the Magi to Jesus is a symbol of divine guidance, leading us closer to the light of God’s love.
We are thrilled to announce that Lily of the Valley has been awarded a Respect Life Grant from the Diocese of Raleigh! This generous grant will allow us to host our second retreat in 2025. Stay tuned for more details coming soon!
The Respect Life Grants were established in 2000 to support initiatives that affirm the dignity of all human life, from conception to natural death, and are made possible through the Bishops Annual Appeal. Thank you to all who donated to the BAA and thank you to Bishop Luis and the Diocese of Raleigh for your generosity and encouragement to keep working towards our mission and vision.
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month, a time to recognize and celebrate the many abilities of individuals with Down syndrome while raising awareness about their unique journeys. This month’s origins trace back to Venerable Jérôme Lejeune, the French geneticist who discovered the third copy of the 21st chromosome, which causes Down syndrome. His devotion to life and advocacy for those with disabilities is why he is now on the path to sainthood.
Experiencing pregnancy or infant loss is an incredibly painful and isolating journey for parents. As friends and loved ones, it’s important to offer support in ways that are sensitive and meaningful. Here are five thoughtful things you can do to help someone who is grieving such a profound loss:
1. Acknowledge Their Loss on Infant Loss Awareness Day (October 15)
On Infant Loss Awareness Day, take a moment to reach out. Send a text or message letting them know you are thinking of them and their precious baby. Consider lighting a candle in memory of their child and share that gesture with them. You can also invite them to join in prayer on Zoom with us on October 28, where we will gather to pray and remember together.
Begin your weekend with Christ-centered self-care in the form of faith, wellness and community at our Fall quarterly event! Participants are invited to attend the 8 am daily Mass in the “Our Lady of the Americas’ Chapel” at St. Raphael Catholic Church where the first and second class relics of St. Gianna Molla are installed. We will then participate in a Soulcore class led by Estela Giroux to pray the rosary combined with light functional movement, followed by fellowship and a light breakfast. All are also welcome to take a moment of prayer and veneration of the relics. Prayer cards will be available.
The picture below looks pretty generic. No faces. Just a mix of arms and legs and bodies. For me, this picture is my heart. My husband and I didn’t know it but I was newly pregnant with our second child when we took these family pictures for our daughter’s 1st birthday. We also didn’t know that our baby would be born into heaven just a few weeks later.