How We Serve

Lily of the Valley is primarily a prayer ministry. We serve families by mailing Prayer Care Packages and praying monthly on the 28th as a community for you.

Prayer Care Packages. Each Prayer Care Package is personalized based on the information we receive or gather related to the families unique circumstances.  We aim for each package to touch all of the five senses and we include items that support prayerful moments.  Examples of items include: a handwritten letter to open, tea to encourage a quiet moment of reflection, sacramentals or other items to hold during prayer, and written prayer cards that provide words when they can be hard to find.  Our packages are blessed with Lily of the Valley essential oils and include personalized keepsakes for each family.  The items fluctuate based on donations and inventory at the time of need.  Our hope is that these packages encourage parents to not give up hope, to pray during times of desperation, and for each family to feel supported and reassured of the Lord’s love and support for them.

Monthly Prayer. In commemoration of the Feast of St. Gianna, which is on April 28th, we gather on the 28th of each month to pray for the intentions of our ministry. Prayer Ambassadors are individuals who have volunteered to pray with us monthly.  You can send us your prayer intention through the contact page or get involved as a Prayer Ambassador.  For those who live local to our ministry in Raleigh, NC, we gather quarterly in person for a night of community prior to going “live” to pray at 8pm EST.

Lily of the Valley relies on intercessory prayer and we believe, as spoken in the Apostle’s Creed, in the Communion of Saints.  Intercessory prayer is the act of asking others to pray for you during a time of need.  We believe that even those who have gone before us, including our babies in heaven, are in communion with the saints and that they, too, can pray for us from heaven.

Prayer Care Package