
Perhaps you are here because whether you expected it, or not, you have received the news that your baby no longer has a heart beat.  Please be assured that we are already praying for you.  We want you to know you are not alone in this experience.  We have learned from 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of mercies and the God of all comfort.  He comforts us in all our affliction, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”  Lily of the Valley is here to share with you, the comfort we ourselves received after loss, so that you too can feel supported in your faith during this time of immense grief.

The depth of losing a child at any stage impacts our body physically, mentally, and spiritually.  Whether the loss is through miscarriage, during or after labor, or further along in infancy, it can be amplified with a clash of hormones, physical healing, mental confusion, and can even be experienced as traumatic to the family.  Experiencing the death of a child leads to mental and physical fatigue, emotional lability (or rollercoasters), as well as a dance between sorrow and joy.  This may sound odd, but if you’ve experienced losing a child to heaven, there is a grace that accompanies it that can bring moments of peace and beauty that assure us of heaven.  Let us pray for you during this time of immense grief.  We’ve gathered resources for you to include bereavement doulas, bereavement faith-based counselors, support groups, and more.


Maybe you clicked on this page because you are actively experiencing a miscarriage and you are not sure what to do.  (Please do call your healthcare provider.  And then reach out to us so that we can pray with you.). Miscarriage is defined as a loss that occurs <20 weeks gestation.  This type of loss is unexpected and heartbreaking as your experience of walking with your child in this life is now gone. We are here to help you find the resources to feel informed about your decisions and that allow you to parent in these sacred moments that remain with your child. It is through prayer that we receive grace from God during and after this type of grief.

Preparing for Loss

For those whose baby has received a “life limiting” diagnosis, it can feel isolating as you sit with your spouse and pray over decisions related to a birth plan that includes comfort care, pain management, and creating a life time of memories with the time you have with your child.  Philippians 4:6 tells us, “The Lord is near! Do not be anxious. Instead, in every situation with prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God.  And peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”  We can help direct you to case management organizations and resources that help guide you in these types of decisions.  We promise to pray with you and provide the support you need when choosing to carry your child to term.

Stillbirth and Infant Loss

Whether your child is born still, or passes away in your arms minutes, hours, or days after being born, we are here to pray with you and for you.  Stillbirth is defined as loss after 20 weeks gestation.  Infant loss occurs after birth.  We read in Matthew 5:4 that “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”  If you have questions related how to lay your child to rest, we can help you identify the resources you need or help educate you on Catholic ethics and teachings related to blessings, rites, and mass ceremonies for your child.  Our resources can help guide you in creating keepsakes, locating infant size burial gowns or caskets, or even finding a resting place such as a consecrated cemetery or columbarium.

Past loss

Some people we minister to have experienced a past miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss years ago. They too can find comfort, peace, and meaning through prayerful intercession and support that can be healing to the heart and soul.

Request a Prayer Care Package

If you are grieving the loss of a child through miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss, please know that we are here for you. Our Prayer Care Packages are lovingly prepared to bring comfort, hope, and spiritual support during this time of immense sorrow.

Click here to request your package. You are not alone—let us walk with you in prayer and faith as you navigate this journey of loss and healing.

.**We would love the opportunity to pray with you if you are considering abortion. We can connect you with a local agency called BirthChoice that can help you during this time. We encourage those who are experiencing grief related to a past abortion to directly contact Project Rachel, a ministry of the Catholic Church whose mission is to walk with anyone who has experienced abortion. **